Quit Smoking

Most smokers are hooked on a habit they hate. It’s true, the majority of smokers (an estimated 80 percent) would happily never smoke another cigarette again.

It makes sense too.We all know that smoking adversely affects your health. Even moderate smokers experienced a sore throat or difficulty breathing when climbing a flight of stairs. And, of course, there’s the threat of more serious health consequences. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco is responsible for 5 million deaths annually.

 There are plenty of other reasons to quit: To save money, children’s health, for healthier skin, to be more active, etc.

 But if most smokers WANT to quit, what’s holding them back?  

The reason is simple. Nicotine addiction is deeply rooted in the subconscious mind. Stress, mealtime, driving, drinking alcohol, and so on all subconsciously trigger thoughts that cause cigarette cravings. But what if there was a way to “shut off” that voice in your head? Or at least reframe the subconscious thoughts to think negatively about smoking?

Well, that’s the promise hypnotherapy has for quitting smoking. What do you go to lose, other than the cigarettes? 


Aneta Marten